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Ultimate Seducer Bundle

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Ultimate Seducer Bundle


Have you ever heard of the statistic that 20% of men get 80% of the girls?

By now you probably understand this as truth and have come to embrace it.

While the 20% get their choosing and fvck all of the hot chicks, the 80% settle with the lonely chicks who gives them attention or the ones that are left over from the 20%'s picking.

Be honest, which side are you currently on?

Has a girl ever left you for another guy? Give you attention but never go on a date with you? Tell you that they find your friends hot but not you? Flirt with other guys in front of you? Cheated on you repeatedly?

If you responded yes to any of these, then I have some unfortunate news for you...

You are NOT in the 20%.

Being in the 80% isn't that bad though;

  • you have more time with your other 80% friends
  • more time with video games
  • more time with porn
  • more movie nights in your room with the cat
  • you won't have to go through the uncomfortable process of finding a hot wife since you'll just patiently wait for the good enough looking girl who got rejected by the 20% to come settle with you

wait... Is this not the life you want?

Good. The first step to breaking out of the 80% is by becoming aware and by not being complacent with where you currently are.

For those of you who want the taste of the top 20% lifestyle, read on.

Being an idiot is expensive.

Women want to exploit you for financial and psychological resources. You can make mistakes that cause you years of your life to be wasted suffering in a toxic relationship, or in sexless marriage. Even worse, some guys spend years stuck in a one-sided imaginary "relationship" with a beautiful woman who friendzones them and doesn't give two shits about them back.

If you don't know who is the one being played in a situation, it's probably you.

🛑 STOP the cycle of pain.

🛑 STOP allowing yourself to be exploited because you just don't know any better.

🛑 STOP being the one who is being fucked over, and

🙌 ✅ START being the one who is doing the fucking.

With the right information, you can TRANSFORM YOURSELF.



  • #1) Atomic Seduction - Learn the science behind attraction. Most women are nearly identical in their wants and needs, and this ebook teaches the complete SCIENCE behind what makes them attracted to you and why it turns them on.
  • #2) The Book of Pook - An all around seduction guide focusing on inner work and mentality. Develop the mindsets which not only attracts girls like you're Zeus but live with more peace and contentment in your life as well.
  • #3) Become a Sex God - Master the art of sex and have girls begging you to come fvck them on a daily basis.

"Here are a few of the standards women have for their men:

  • Tall
  • Well dressed
  • Good job/ has money
  • Can socialize, has a social network
  • Handsome
  • Sweet
  • Confident
  • Funny
  • Wants to be a Good Man

When women express their interest in tall men, you do not hear men protesting that they should like short women. You do not hear men say women should cease looking for men with good jobs and start looking for bums (rather, they protest the expectation of super-riches which very very few people ever have). No man says that women ought to accept unconfident men, or boring men, and so on. And certainly, men do not throw themselves at the Legislative Palace to enforce their sexual will into law.

There is endless discussion of what women want, how women think, how do men get them, and so on. But absolutely no one would say: "Let us demand that women totally change their standards for men."

Yet, western women do this to men all the time. Women say: "You are not allowed to have those standards." Why must men adjust their standards but not vice versa?"


This bundle will cover everything.

  • 🚫How to STOP being a pussy, and
  • 🚫How to STOP being pushed around by women like a dog on a leash, walked on like a doormat, and
  • 🚫How to STOP living to please women (life is finite and it's ending one moment at a time; you really want to waste it living the life a woman wants for you instead of the life that you want for yourself?!), and
  • 🚫How to STOP being a submissive soy, bitch boy - mindlessly following the culture of the times - and
  • ✅ internalize the mindsets of being an ALPHA MALE WHO DOMINATES EVERYTHING.
  • 🚫How to STOP worshipping, pedestalizing and begging for sex from mediocre pussy, and
  • ✅ START putting yourself in a position where you ACHIEVE APEX SEXUAL MARKET VALUE and WOMEN ARE PURSUING YOU.
  • 🚫How to STOP leading with your wallet, playing provider-based game, and living a life of service to women, and instead

Now what are you waiting for?

Become the 20%, become sexually invincible

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You'll get: Atomic Seduction + The Book of Pook + Become a Sex God

Book of Pook: Pages
Atomic Seduction: Pages
Become a Sex God: Pages
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